Wednesday 30 January 2008

Dispatch of the Day - 30th January 2008

Considering all that has gone on since last Wednesday's match, today was a bit of a let down. The Police 'Stop and Search' form was the thinly veiled cover for Cameron to further his 'Brown won't answer the question' argument. Of course, Captain Brown doesn't answer the straight questions put to him, but thankfully there is not too much bickering about who thought of the policy first.

The Blue quest for a straight answer continues during the second half with a discussion on allowing hate preachers into the country. No answer is forthcoming, surprisingly.

Some mischief making from the Speaker is the highlight of the exchanges, Captain Brown's unwillingness to answer Captain Cameron's questions obviously gets to the best of us.

Something to watch during the rest of the season, the timings of the Speaker's cries of 'Order'. A cynical man may have thought today that the timing allowed Captain Brown to recover his composure on more than one occasion. Just something to watch.

The elephant in the room today was MP's expenses. Not so much an elephant in the room as a skunk in the House leaving a stench wherever it goes. Both leaders smell it but my cynical side says they want to ignore it as I suspect both sides of the house are happy about the current situation regarding expenses.

A welcome return from ex-captain Cable.

Result: 0 - 0 (and a very disappointing one at that)

The table

Position.... Team..... Won..... Drawn... Lost...... F.... A..... Points..... Form

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